One on One Summer Youth Lessons with Ozaukee Talent LLC 2025
About the Instructor's Experience
Email angie@ozaukeetalent.com with questions.
Summer 2025 Schedule and Payments
PENDING = Currently occupied by a student. It may open up if they decide that they no longer want it. Keep checking back!
TAKEN = Someone already reserved that slot for summer.
Available! = Currently open to reserve first come, first served.
Attn: Current Students: Please reserve by April 1, 2025 and/or let me know your intent for summer as soon as possible so that a new student can have the slot if you won't be using it. If you forfeit your slot for summer, you won't be able to get it back for fall.
Attn: New Students: Slots will be posted here as soon as they become available. Feel free to email angie@ozaukeetalent.com if you would like an email about immediate openings.
When: WEEKS 6/16 through 8/18
What if we can't be there every week? Please email any dates that you know you will miss by JUNE 10th. We can find make up dates for those since my summer schedule is a little more flexible than the school year. Please note that there won't be any free misses this summer. Only dates known in advance can be made up. If I need to miss, I will make it up to you.
Where: Lessons are one on one and held at 1701 11th Avenue in Grafton which is 1/2 block south of the Grafton library and Kennedy Elementary School.
Payments: Please note that these are not "monthly costs" but semester payment installments for the entire semester broken up for families on a budget. You can pay ahead at any time if you choose.
$135 Non-refundable due by June 1, 2025
$135 due by July 1, 2025
$135 due by August 1, 2025
Please note: If this time slot ends up not working for you at any point, you can switch ONLY IF there is another opening. If not, you will be responsible to continue making payments or finding your own replacement student.
PENDING means that a student is currently occupying that space. They have until 4/1 to decide if they want to keep that slot for summer or not. Please check back periodically as available time slots will change.