Winter/Spring Youth Performing Arts Sessions with Angie Mack
Ozaukee Talent, LLC
Custom Performing Arts Coaching for Youth
Please read everything before signing up.
Keep checking back! PENDING = currently occupied but that student might give up the slot. AVAILABLE = open to new, returning or current students. Due to the number of students that I have, this is the only place to officially sign up. I am unable to email or text you about openings. Please keep checking back. Slots first come, first served. TAKEN = someone has already officially reserved the slot for the semester
Website: ozaukeetalent.com
Email: angie@ozaukeetalent.com (Email is always best for correspondence. Feel free to email any questions, comments, concerns at any time.)
1701 11th Avenue, Grafton WI 53024
Coaching sessions are 30 minutes each, one on one, and custom designed to fit the learning style, interests and goals for each child which is made in conjunction with the child’s parents.
WHEN: Weeks 1/27 through 5/19 (17 weeks)
You can make up 3 sessions during this time frame, however, they need to be made up on a weekday where there is no school or you have taken off of school for another appointment (i.e. dentist, doctor, therapy, etc... ) Anything beyond 3 misses will not be guaranteed to be made up. My schedule is simply too full to accommodate after school make ups. Serious, available and committed students encouraged to sign up. Zoom sessions are available during your normal slot in the event of sickness or inclement weather, etc...
$80 non-refundable due by 12/30/24 to hold your slot for the Winter/Spring semester
If you know that you absolutely cannot keep the same time slot, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can mark it as AVAILABLE. Available slots first come, first served for current students as well as my waiting list. Please keep checking back if you are wanting another slot. I cannot make any promises. Right now, you will see that your current slot is marked as PENDING.
Right now, I am only booking for youth semester one on one sessions. If you see a slot that says AVAILABLE, that means you can sign up for it. Slots that say PENDING are for my current students. Some of those pending slots might open up. Keep checking back. Please know that available slots are very limited.
Please note that these are not "monthly costs" but semester payment installments for the entire semester broken up for families on a budget. You can pay ahead at any time if you choose. Make checks payable to Ozaukee Talent, LLC or pay ONLINE HERE using the drop-down menu. Some families like to pay in bulk to avoid processing fees.
$80 due by 12/30 to hold the slot (nonrefundable but you can switch if something else opens up first come, first served.
$130 due by 1/30 PAY ONLINE HERE (scroll down in the drop-down menu)
$130 due by 2/28
$130 due by 3/30
$130 due by 4/30
$130 due by 5/30
A $5 per day late fee may apply. All payments are expected to be on time.
I will send out a parent packet of information before we begin with more information and for you to give emergency and additional information about your child. The parent packet needs to be signed before we begin.
Please note: If this time slot ends up not working for you at any point, you can switch ONLY IF there is another opening. If not, you will be responsible to continue making payments or finding your own replacement student. (i.e. a different family member, friend, etc...) If the time slot ends up not working for me, you will only be charged for lessons that you actually attended and be issued the appropriate refund where applicable.